Bk advisor tax
of Alchimia Spa
in the exit of Fenice S.r.l.

A landmark transaction in the Italian business world was recently signed between Alchimia S.p.A. and AVM Gestioni for the sale of a stake in Fenice S.r.l.

Alchimia S.p.A. is the investment vehicle operating in the venture capital sector founded by Paolo Barletta with the participation of Nicola Bulgari's Annabel Holding.

BK S.r.l., as fiscal advisor, contributed to the success of this transaction. Alchimia's decision to use the experience and expertise of BK S.r.l. demonstrates its continued confidence in us to accompany its growth path.

The agreement reached between Alchimia and AVM Gestioni calls for a gradual sale of shares held by Alchimia up to a maximum of 20 million euros, with an overall valuation of Fenice set at 75 million euros.

These are the words of Paolo Barletta, Ceo of Alchimia, about the operation: "The journey started with Chiara Ferragni and her brand has been an incredible journey that has led us to achieve truly sensational and unexpected goals. With this spirit we are pleased to be able to announce today an operation that brings on board Fenice a prominent and prestigious partner such as AVM Gestioni. An Italian fund, backed by Italian families to continue the growth path of a brand founded and led by a young Italian woman who has conquered the markets of more than 120 countries around the world. With Giovanna Dossena begins a new chapter for Fenice's activity characterized by a history of female entrepreneurship, two generations coming together to continue the growth of this brand, which we believe is significant. We believe that in order to make the most of the coming years of growth of the brand, a change in the shareholding structure and fresh human and economic resources is necessary. We are confident that the brand with the help and important support of institutional and industrial investors with AVM and its shareholders can bring about a new consolidation. Strengthened by this conviction, Alchemy is happy to remain a partner in Fenice, even if in a small part, to accompany it in the years to come."

Paolo Barletta's words are joined by those of Chiara Ferragni, CEO of Fenice: "I thank Alchimia and Paolo Barletta who have believed in our entrepreneurial adventure over the past years, I am proud that AVM has chosen to invest in this brand and believe that growth comes through managerial continuity for me and my team."

"Our added value is based precisely on the contribution of our members," concluded Giovanna Dossena, president of AVM Gestioni. "They bring with them experience, reputation and vision that will also find great expression in this project."

In addition to BK S.r.l., BNP Paribas as financial advisor and FGA Lex as legal advisor participated in this transaction for Alchimia, while AVM Gestioni was assisted by Studio Pedersoli.

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